Welcome to the Siskiyou Artists Association (SAA) web site. We are a congenial group of Northern California artists who meet regularly to exchange ideas and learn more about visual arts. SAA supports local artists by providing critiques and demonstrations at scheduled meetings, workshops, and an annual show in late summer. Each year the association also awards a scholarship to a local graduating high school or college art student. SAA has been active in Siskiyou County for more than sixty years. See some of our history HERE
The beautiful painting above is by Ann Jensen and is the People’s Choice Award winner from SAA’s 2022 Annual Member’s Show last Fall at Siskiyou Art Museum.
Join Us on Facebook!
Are you on Facebook? We are looking to increase our private Facebook group Membership. Its a great way to stay in touch and get reminders about upcoming meetings. Use Facebook’s search feature (click on the magnifying glass in the upper left corner) and type in “Siskiyou Artists Association.” Then click the blue “join group” button on the Siskiyou Artists Association Page.
Our members range from beginning artists to skilled professionals. All you need to join is enthusiasm for visual arts and $25. Just complete the membership form (link below) and mail it with a check for annual dues ($25 for an individual or $35 per family) to Siskiyou Artists Association, P. O. Box 1654, Mount Shasta, CA 96067. You can join anytime.
Thank You Deetz Storage!
SAA thanks Tom and Yvonne Waite, owners of Deetz Storage, for the very generous discount they have given SAA for storage of our show panels and other workshop and meeting supplies. Their support of our organization and local artists is greatly appreciated.