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More news from last year’s critiques…
SAA meeting June 12, 2022 at the Lake Shastina Community Center
By Betsey Shuteroff

SAA members met June 12 at the Lake Shastina Community Center. President Bea Duran-Whiteman greeted members to our general business meeting, followed by reading of the past minutes by
Secretary Betsey Shuteroff. Sharon Swingle, Treasurer and Web Manager presented the financial
report, with balance and activity statements.
Scholarship Committee: Chair Betty Swartz reported the committee members, herself, Scott Whiteman, David Shuteroff considered 3 applicants. After the interviews the committee deliberated and awarded the $1000 scholarship to Savanna Miller, a graduating high school senior from Etna California. Betty reported to the members that last year’s scholarship recipient, Darby Banks, also from Etna, was pursuing her studies and doing well in college. Betty further related discussion among the committee members of need for information and suggestions to applicants on preparation of the required elements for interview, resume, and portfolio presentations. It is likely there will be some further action on this idea in the next year prior to the process of application for scholarship candidates to assist them in preparation of their portfolios etc.
Annual Art Show: Karen Copsey co-chairperson for the annual show reminded members of the location, Siskiyou Arts Museum (SAM) in Dunsmuir. Karen reiterated that the number of entries will be
dependent on space considerations, so their solution was to allow options. Each member will be allowed to enter two artworks plus an alternate for a total of three if space allows. All wall-hung entries must fit within a space 30” wide x 84” (7 feet) high, including frames. If a third piece is submitted, all 3 must fit within this rectangle. She also reminded members that each piece must be for sale with a percentage going to the gallery to benefit the arts. Barbara Enochian of Redding will be our guest critique artist, no
awards will be given, but written comments on each piece will be posted. For further show information see the art show section on this SAA site.
There being no further business, president Bea introduced our guest “critique artist”, Gail Domansky, a recently retired art teacher. Gail gave members a little of her background and art interests, and
proceeded to look at each work and lead interactive discussions with the members. It was a most enjoyable session, Gail is new to us and we to her, and she was lively, positive, and inviting of mutual
participation with everyone present. Our group was most appreciative of her participation and we hope she will join us again.
Betty Swartz then announced the 3 artists whose works were voted favorites for this critique: Howard Johnson, a recent new member, brought a unique three-dimensional piece, “Glass Paint Brush”,
Karen Copsey’s oil painting “India Street Scene, and Barbara Soule’s mixed media painting “Chairs”.
Congrats to these artists!
Our next general meeting will be July 17 at the Shastina Community Center. Interested persons, guests and new members are always welcomed at our meetings, schedules and information are available on this website.
SAA meeting April 24, 2022 at the Lake Shastina Community Center
By Betsey Shuteroff

At our most recent meeting our president Bea Duran-Whiteman warmly welcomed new members Nini Finnigan and Howard Johnson. She noted with great enthusiasm we are so pleased to be back meeting together and planning our art adventures for the coming months.
Following reading of the minutes of the February meeting, Treasurer and Web Master Sharon Swingle gave the treasury report and reminded members to update their membership dues for the calendar year of 2022. Membership is $25/individual or $35/family, per year. Our dues help support our meeting costs as well as providing stipends for guest artists for critiques or workshops.
Betty Swartz, our dedicated Scholarship Committee leader reported the deadline to apply for our annual Art Scholarship is coming up April 30th. This scholarship will award $1000 to a graduating high school senior or one already enrolled in Community College pursuing art in further education. If you know anyone in this category please encourage them to apply! Information is on our website.
Planning for our famous SAA 64th Annual Art Show 2022 is well underway. Co-planners Anne McTavish and Karen Copsey reminded members the show is to be held at the Siskiyou Art Museum (SAM) in Dunsmuir this September -November. All details for the show are on our website, check it out!
Barbara, (Bee) Soule, intrepid editor of our official newsletter reminded members to be sure and give her any address or contact information updates. She sends out the very informative and helpful newsletter before each meeting, but she needs your correct address email or postal to get it to you. Please let her know if you are not receiving the newsletter and want it.
The general business meeting was adjourned to make way for our Art Critique.
As longtime members know, the critique is a favorite activity following most meetings. Members bring recently completed art works to display for critique and comments. Prior to the critique, members see all the pieces on display and vote for their favorites, usually the top 3 which become “artworks of the month.” Guest critique artist at this meeting was the affable and generous Chuck Prudhomme, a professional artist from Redding. Chuck primarily paints landscapes and loves “en plein air,” outdoor painting. In his discussions he emphasized enjoyment, (have fun!) not getting too hung up on “rules”, yet pointing important considerations of compositional elements such as color, value, focal point, presentation, and personal style. It was a positive and lively discussion for everyone.
Following the discussion, the favorite pieces are announced and photographed along with their artist. It’s always fun and an honor to get a vote.
To see the art chosen by members at this meeting check out the pics, look here in our website under “critiques”. When you do, you will notice that this time there are actually not just 3 winners, we had ties, and are therefore seeing 5 favored pieces getting the popular vote honors.
Congratulations to Donna Harper, Joy Price, Ann Jenson, Karen Copsey and Bea Duran-Whiteman for their wonderful art.
We are delighted that Chuck Prudhomme will be back in our area in May to lead a one -day workshop painting outdoors en plein air. Details of how when and where to participate in this event are also in this website under “events”.
Siskiyou Artists (SAA) always welcomes guests, new members, and persons interested in art to our meetings, for dates and directions, where else? Right here at our website,
Siskiyou Artists Association Meeting by Betsey Shuteroff
February 20, 2022

The Siskiyou Artists Association, (SAA) recently met at the Lake Shastina
Community Center for their first official meeting of 2022. President Bea
Whiteman-Duran conducted the meeting, welcoming guests and members, noting
it to be the first regular meeting following lifting of COVID restrictions.
During the business part of the meeting members voted on a slate of officers for
the coming year, and received reports from Scholarship committee chair Betty
Swartz, Treasurer and website updates by Sharon Swingle, and newsletter editor
Barbara (Bee) Soule.
The 64th Annual Art Show will again be co-chaired by members Anne McTavish
and Karen Copsey; they announced the show is scheduled for September
through November at the Siskiyou Art Museum in Dunsmuir. Planned is a
critique printed commentary format displayed with each piece of art rather than
a judging awarding placement ribbons. This is will done by a visiting
professional artist.
Planning for the year ahead was discussed and will include critiques of
member’s artwork as well as possible workshops and recruitment of guest
artists to participate in these activities. Following results of a survey of member
interests for programs to come, it was determined particular interest for
workshops/demos of plein air (on location) techniques and skills.
The business meeting was followed with a critique of art brought by attending
members. The discussion was led by noted Mount Shasta artist Chris Schneider.
A multimedia artist and designer, he led an informative and interactive
conversation about each piece, focusing on “first impressions” when looking at
Closing the meeting with light refreshments, the favorite art works of the day
were chosen by the members. The favorites of the “art of the month” were
Karen Copsey’s oil “First Snow” and Betsey Shuteroff’s pastel “Along the
Gallatin.” The next meeting of the Siskiyou Artists will be April 24, 2022 at the Lake
Shastina Community Center. Critique artist TBA. Guests are always welcome.