The 67th annual SAA annual art show will again be held at the Siskiyou Arts Museum. Our critique artist for the show is acclaimed landscape and wildlife artist Stefan Baumann. The entry form link is coming soon, and rules for the current year are below.
Calendar for 2025
Entry Forms Due | Saturday, July 19 |
Deliver Art Work | Saturday, August 2, Noon-4PM, Siskiyou Arts Museum, Dunsmuir |
Reception* | Saturday, August 9, 4-7PM |
Hang the Show | Monday or Tuesday, August 4 or 5 |
Critique Artist | Tuesday or Wednesday, August 5 or 6 |
Art Show Opens | Saturday, August 9 |
Art Show Closes | Saturday, October 4 |
Pick Up Art Work | Sunday, October 5, Noon-4PM |
Critique Artist for 2025: Stefan Baumann
Stefan Baumann is an acclaimed landscape and wildlife artist who paints in oils on location and from his studio at the Grand View Ranch in Mount Shasta, California. He studied art and architectural history at Stanford University and art and painting at the San Francisco Academy of Art University. While still in college, he began Baumann Fine Art, a business enterprise that promoted landscape painting. He has been an artist and is an oil painting instructor for the past 35 years and has taught the fine art of oil painting to enthusiastic art students in the San Francisco Bay Area as well as in Southern Oregon, and in Northern California. Stefan Baumann believes that “Anyone can learn how to paint; all it takes is desire.”
You can read more about Stefan Baumann on his website at:
Original art only. No reproductions, including Giclee prints or other inkjet copies.
- Acrylic
- Drawing
- Mixed Media
- Oil
- Pastel
- Printmaking (e.g., etching, lithography, etc.)
- 3-D (e.g., sculpture, woodcarving)
- Water Media
- Other (e.g., encaustic, alcohol ink)
Sorry, no photography or digital art.
There will be no awards presented again in 2025. We will have a viewer’s favorite visitors poll. Stefan Baumann, the critique artist, will provide a critique for each piece in the show, and all artists will be provided with a copy of the critique for their work.
Current SAA members only. You can join for the 2024 calendar year for $25.
Rules of Entry
- Maximum number of entries: Each member may submit 2 artworks plus one alternate (3 total). The alternate will be displayed if space allows.
- Entry fee is $10 for one to three pieces.
- 2-D art must be dry, properly framed, and ready to hang. WIRE HANGERS ONLY. If your work is not ready to hang, it will not be accepted.
- Art must be original (i.e., no reproductions), completed by the artist within the past three years, and not previously shown at the SAA Annual Show.
- Art may not be removed prior to the scheduled pick-up date of October 5th. Art not picked up by 4:00 p.m. on that date may be charged a storage fee of $5.00 per day.
- Late entry forms and late art will not be accepted.
- SAA will have full authority over positioning and display.
- SAA reserves the right to refuse any entry.
- Artists agree to allow SAA to photograph any entries and use those photographs for show publicity.
- Artists are encouraged to provide a biography and business cards to facilitate the sale of their art. Artists who sell work at the show will contribute 40% of the selling price to the Siskiyou Arts Museum, (this is their standard commission.)
- Artists agree to retrieve their work on the pick up date listed, or to make arrangements to have it picked up by someone else on that date. SAA and Siskiyou Arts Museum assume absolutely no responsibility for art that is left at SAM beyond the designated pick-up date
- SAA and SAM will take utmost care in handling the art but assumes no liability for loss or damage.
Entry Fees
Member’s entry fee is $10 for 1-3 pieces.
Entry in this show indicates acceptance of all rules as listed above.
Questions: E-mail us at
Scholarship Fundraiser
Again this year we will hold a silent auction to raise money for our scholarships. They may be framed or matted and protected in plastic (if appropriate), and must be no larger than 9″ x 12″ (framed). All proceeds will go to the Scholarship Fund.
If you have agreed to donate cards for sale at the show or pieces for the silent auction, please bring them with your entries on August 2nd. Proceeds from the card sales will go to the SAA general fund.